Applied Social Studies -Part Time
QQI Level 5Places
20Students wishing to obtain the Applied Social Studies Award may do so by attending part-time classes over two years.
Students will be expected to attend college two days per week and find a work placement for a third day. Students study four modules each year and attend IT Classes.
Modules on offer may be subject to change:
- Intercultural Studies
- Personal & Professional Development
- Psychology
- Young People & Society
“Liberties College has helped me find my confidence in education. The tutors in Liberties supported me in finding my confidence and in understanding that education can be extremely interesting and fun. All the classes I had were about learning in a hands-on way, and the tutors have a really great way of making you feel safe to ask those questions you think are silly. We didn’t just learn off information from a book, instead we brought the material to life by having discussions in the classroom or presenting topics to each other. All the staff, not just the tutors, make Liberties College feel like an exciting and welcoming place to be and I would strongly advise anyone thinking of returning to education to apply to Liberties.”